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Jonathan Cain, Marriage & Family Therapist Trainee

A life full of happiness, joy, and connection is our birthright, yet sometimes our path in life twists through forests so seemingly impenetrable that we lose sight of our dreams, struggle with life’s hardships, and can’t find a way out of our suffering. I offer a light and my hand to help you move forward through whatever challenges you face and discover how wonderful a person you can grow into. You don’t have to go through this alone.


I am finishing a Master's in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, where I have been trained in relational, existential, transpersonal, and trauma-informed perspectives. What drew me to practice at Kindred Heart Therapy Group was their foundation of loving-kindness in accessible support of people across our community. I work with adolescents, adults, and couples to expand awareness of how your patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving, and relating may be at odds with the life you want, to reconcile tension between different parts of your mind, and to help you experience positive, lasting psychological change.

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